The night before he attacked on Spain, Tariq Bin Zyad, had a dream. He saw what he didn’t expect. He saw Muhammad (S.A.W) with companions, wearing his war dress, having a bare sword and asking Tariq, we are going to attack Spain, are you coming?. And this was the reason that made Tariq “Burn His boats”. The rock on which Tariq landed from his boat is still called “Gibralter”, the Jabl-ul-Tariq.
Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed, when he was martyred, the English government denied to give his dead body. Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Mian Abdul Aziz companied to get his body back; Allama gave his assurance to the English government that no insurrection would erupt. The body was given back after 15 days of death and the color of shroud (Kafan) wasn’t changed. The body was in the same condition as of an alive man. He was intact.
During the battle of Yarmook when Muslims were close to lose the war against Byzantines, Hazrat Ikrama Bin Abu Jahal (r), the son of Abu Jahal, got off the battle field and asked, “(Arabic)Man yabayal Maut”, “who give me his allegiance to death”, “(urdu)Kon hai jo mere sath Maut per Bait keray”. He got 400 soldiers who changed the situation of the war and Muslims had a decisive victory.
A Muslim Doctor was kidnapped from Karachi Airport and sentenced an 86 years prison. The allegation was that she fired on American Soldiers; she fired the bullets that didn’t even make any of the US soldiers wounded.
The time has come to show the courage of Tariq. The time solicits us to show the nerve of Ghazi Ilm Din. The time implores us to illustrate the bravery of Ikrama(r). I today repeat the Sunnah of Ikrama and ask you all, “Man Yaba yal Maut?”, “Kon hai jo mere sath maut per baith keray?
Do we have some who give their allegiance (Bait) on death…Is there anyone who can bestow his life?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Reign of Commitment
The Islam had reached to the most Arabia during the life of Muhammad (S.A.W) but it was based upon divine revelation, not just for the people of Arabia but for the whole mankind. Muhammad (S.A.W), in the ending period of his life sent greetings to the emperors of two Super Powers of that time, The Byzantine Empire and The Persian Empire, told them about the growing religion in Arabia, about his prophet hood and invited them to accept Islam. Khusroe, the Persian emperor torn the letter and ordered his forces in Yemen to go to Madina and arrest Muhammad (S.A.W). Byzantine King, Heraclius, did respect the letter, responded civilly but ordered his troops to go towards the northern borders of Arabia.
It is not the power and the worldly resources that make you win the battles, it’s the faith; believe in Allah, trust on his will, reliance upon his assistance and completeness of Eman that makes you frontrunner in the battle field. This is the reason why 313 went in front of 1000 and believed when Muhammad (S.A.W) threw a handful of sand towards them, they believed in the assistance of armies of angels, this is the reason why a man with the conviction burnt his boats after annunciation from Muhammad (S.A.W) himself.
It was the battle of Tabuk that was fought between Muslims and the Byzantine Empire during the life of Muhammad (S.A.W). Both the Persian and Byzantine Empires were against the establishment of this huge Islamic community in the vast areas of Arabia. Muhammad (S.A.W)initiated defensive measures against both these empires in north and East. After the death of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), Abu Bakar(r) continued the defence against Byzantines and sent a military expedition towards north in the leadership of Usama Bin Zaid(r). Usama Bin Zaid(r) returned neutral from this mission but affirmed the cohesion and strength of Muslims in the absence of Muhammad (S.A.W). This battle, though a smaller one, played a vital role in the later shape and character of Islam. And without any reservations it was the continuation of the foreign policy adopted by Muhammad (S.A.W) as by sending Zaid bin Haris(r) on the same expedition laid the foundations of this policy.
The war rules commanded by Abu Bakar to Usama Bin Zaid were
Do not kill children, women and old men.
Do not harm the disabled and do not disfigure the bodies of those killed in battle.
Do not destroy standing crops and do not cut down trees bearing fruit.
Do not be dishonest and misappropriate war booty.
Do not kill animals except as is necessary for food.
Northern borders of Arabia were made secure by the expedition of Usama Bin Zaid while the eastern borders became silent by themselves as the Khosroe and his sons were killed by his eldest son “Sheroya”, the government was captured by him. Later he was also killed and a youngster in the person dynasty, Yezdgerd was made the King of the Persian Empire. Heraclius on the other side was aware of all what was happening in Persia. He launched many campaigns and got a lot of his land back that was captured by Persians. The Islamic State had its eastern border lying at the river Euphrates where some tribes were living that had become apostates after Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) passed away. These tribes had been living as autonomous states while under the court of Persian Empire but later during the period of Khosroe, these tribes were brought under the tax law and because of this resentment had started. Al Manathah Ibn e Harithah knowing this entire situation suggested Abu Bakar(r) to use the tribes against Persian Empire. Abu Bakar(r) agreed but asked Al Manathah Ibn e Harithah, Chief of Banu Shaiban, to recruit only those tribes who had not previously become apostates.
Khalid Bin Waleed (r), the greatest General of Muslim History, also joined Al Manathah Ibn e Harithah in the mission and won many battles against Persians capturing the area of Iraq. Before open attack the king of the area was asked to accept the Islam or the two choices i.e. Jaziya and war. The king didn’t want any of the peaceful way and the war broke out. Under the command of Khalid(r) Muslims reached till Domatul Jandal, an area between Syria and Iraq. Khalid(r) went back to Makkah to perform Hajj and when he came back he was asked by Abu Bakar(r) to go to the Northern Front i.e. the war against Byzantines.
An attack from Byzantines was expected and Abu Bakar(r) planned to pre-empt the Byzantines and take them by surprise. An army of 27,000 was formed and sent towards Byzantines from three directions under the orders of Ubaidah Ibn e Jarrah(r). The sub leaders of the groups were Amr Bin Al Aas(r) and Sharabeel Ibn e Hasanah. Before Khalid(r) reached the war, army under Ubaidah(r) had reached to Damascus but no further triumphs against the brother of Heraclius. After the arrival of Khalid(r), the war plan was changed and Muslims had good successes. One of the major war in this campaign was that of Ajnadeen in which 27,000 Muslims and 200,000. Muslims won advantage in this war and the final war of the campaign was fought at Yarmook. The plan formulated by Khalid(r) was as much comprehensive that Byzantines didn’t had space to run away and Muslim won the battle with heavy margin. The battle of Yarmook marked the greatest victory of Muslims against Byzantine Empire.
Other than war advancements Abu Bakar(r), he solved the problems of apostates, the Zakat issue and false prophets. After the battle of Yamama, fought against a false prophet Musselmah Kazzab, a lot of Huffaz were martyred. On advice of Omer(r), Abu Bakar(r) ordered to make written copy of Quran. This written copy of Quran is called Mashaf-e-Siddiqi.
Muslims didn’t fight wars during that period because they were interested in Land or Jewels. They fought these wars to have the Allah’s orders on this entire world. What was the reason that before attacking, Muslims always asked to have a peace deal. And the peace deal was to accept Islam or if they don’t want to accept Islam then come under the rule of Islam and pay Jaziya, and if they still don’t like then the third option was to implement divine law forcefully. What does paying Jaziya to the Islamic state represent? Yes, it represent that Islam is the one system which Allah has given. Are Muslims the people who Allah has given this responsibility to get his Law Implemented? Yes, we are the ones, we are the Muslims, we are the true representations of best disposition, Allah has chosen us...we never cheat, we never lie, we never break promises, we never drink and we obey each and every order by Allah, we don’t cheat by fake degrees, we don’t accepting Americas rule on us, we have not broken barrages to get our lands saved, world is fully trusting us and giving us aid because our past is clear with no corruption and murder cases then why Allah will not choose us for leading? W are the people who have not been able to establish one rule only in Muslim countries and we talk about the whole world...huh we...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Will We
How did we choose our First Caliph?
The first and the most important crisis that the Muslims faced was the death of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The strength of a nation and civilization is tested on the basis of how they cope up with crisis. Acts that Muslims performed during that time were the basis of the current shape of Islam and it was decided in the very first hour after Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W) passed away.
The most important part of a civilization’s life is the time of crisis. The live nations and civilizations turn such crisis into opportunity and cope up with crisis and turmoil with gallantry. It is the critical moments that show the character of a nation and turn misfortune and hardship into prosperity and affluence.
The first reaction of the Muslims after the death of Muhammad (S.A.W) was surprise and distrust. Hazrat Omer upon knowing about the death of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was so distressed that he brought out his sword and declared:
“Some hypocrites are pretending that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has died. By God I swear that he has not; he has gone to join his Lord, just as other Prophets went before. Moses was absent from his people for forty nights and returned to them after they had declared him dead. By God, the Prophet of God will return just as Moses returned. Any man who dares to perpetrate a false rumour such as Muhammed’s death shall have his arms and legs cut off by this hand.” People listened to Omer(r) and believed in what he said because of the love with their prophet, their curative healer.
The pliability was brought by Abu Bakar(r). First he confirmed that the Prophet has really passed away he came up to the people where Omer(r) was speaking and recited a few verses from Surah Al e Imran i.e. “Muhammed (S.A.W) is but a Prophet before whom many prophets have come and gone. Should he die or be killed, will you give up your faith? Know that whoever gives up his faith will cause no harm to God, but God will surely reward those who are grateful to Him“
After listening to these verses from Holy Quran, the reaction of people was shock. Omer(r) upon listening to these verses believed that the Prophet has truly been departed, morality of prophet was established and transcendence of Allah was reaffirmed. Muslim community had to survive the physical absence of the Muhammad (S.A.W). The man who brought them out of the ignorance, who gave them the light of Islam, who taught them the concept of Tauheed and who established the society with justice and moralities was not with them and the task was to survive the absence and establish their existence.
The body of the prophet was in the small corner of a small room and the man was the one who transformed a tribal society into a community of strong believers. The mission of Islam was to create a global society affirming that was right and forbidding that was wrong.
The competing positions emerged right after the death of Prophet (S.A.W). The first position was of Ansars i.e. the residents of Madina and of Mahajirs, the residents of Makkah before the time of Hijrah. Argument was of leadership, by whom the leadership must be taken. The second community was of the supporters of Abu Bakar (r) who believed that during the time of severe illness, Muhammad (S.A.W) asked Abu Bakar to lead the prayer, virtually declaring him the leader of Muslim in his absence. The third one was the supporters of Ali(r) supporting their point of view by saying Ali(r) to be the closest relative of Muhammad (S.A.W). Other arguments supporting Ali(r) were that he was the first young to embrace Islam and prophet referred him as his brother. The first two positions were reconciled by the Muslim community but the third one didn’t and lead in later history as the Shi’ia Sunni conflict, keeping the fact in mind that this schism didn’t exist during the Caliphates of Abu Bakar(r) and Omer(r).
Abu Bakar(r) along with Omer(r) and Ubaidah went to the courtyard of Saida and ask the people, “Either one of these two men is acceptable to us as leader of the Muslim community” taking the hand of Ubaida(r) and Omer(r) in his hand. Omer(r), upon this, replied to Abu Bakar(r) that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) asked him to lead the prayer, so by doing this Muhammad (S.A.W) selected Abu Bakar (r) as the leader of the Muslim community. Muahjirs and Ansar then came forward and took the oath of Alliances (Bait) on the hand of Abu Bakar(r) and he was selected as the first caliph of the Muslim community. The community solved the issue of succession and embarked on constructing the structure of their History.
The process satisfied most of the people but quite a few including Ali(r), Zubair(r) and Talha(r). Being a part of the family of Muhammad (S.A.W) Ali(r) was busy in funeral preparations. Talha and Zubair also were not there during the initial proceedings. Ali(r) didn’t give his oath of Allience (Bait) to Abu Bakar (r) initially but after being approached by Abu Sufyan to announce himself as Caliph Ali(r) gave his oath to prevent the division of the community. According to Ibn e Khuldoon, Ali(r) took bait forty days after the death of Muhammad (S.A.W) while the Shi’ia chronicles emphasize on his bait after the death of Fatima(r) i.e. six months after the death of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). This event was the base of Shi’ia Sunni conflict having in mind again that this conflict didn’t exist during the Caliphates of Abu Bakar(r) and Omer(r) and came on the scene later during the time of Ali(r).
What was the wisdom behind not telling the people the process of succession? Why the man having transformed a whole society didn’t teach the process of succession while he has taught each and every matter of life? Yes there was wisdom in the decision of the Prophet to leave the issue of succession to the collective judgment of the community. Being the natural religion Islam supported the decision of people in the matter of succession. If Muhammad (S.A.W) has announced who would lead the Muslim community after him the liberal and tolerant nature of Islam would have been changed, Muslims would have not been able to choose after him. Muslim community solved their first ever crises with wisdom, caliphate of Abu Bakar(r) sorted out problems of Apostates, False prophets and prophetesses and Zakat while used Khalid Bin Waleed(r) as a General for pre-emptive strike against Byzantines and in war against Persian Empire which we will discuss in the future Inshallah.
Muslims are again in a situation of crisis. Do we have the capability and courage to select our leader based on wisdom as those people did or will we continue electing people like Asif Ali Zardari, Hamid Karzai, kings of Saudi Arabia, Husni Mubarak and a lot other. Will the Ummat e Muhammadi select any one with character and courage or will we let our humiliation continue? Till when the Ummat will remain divided and to what date we will call ourselves as Irani, Pakistani, Egyptian, Syrian, Afghani, Saudi ... instead of Muslims..?? Will we have any Khalid, Tariq, Salahudin and Ghaznavi again?? Will we??
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